· Daring Democracy, Igniting Power, Meaning, and Connection for the America We Want by Frances Moore Lappé and Adam Eichen (‘11). Adam links up with the like-minded Frances Moore Lappé well-known for her book in the seventies, Diet for a Small Planet. Adam and Frankie, as she is called, make a compelling case that there is hope that we can tame the anti-democracy forces, that statistics belie the common assumption that big money has won, and that the American people share more than they disagree on. We learn how billionaires managed a kind of bloodless coup and just how powerful we the people are in combatting them. I think the authors will be pleased to know that upon reading their book, my husband and I signed up to present their ideas at our local Unitarian forum. We’ll also show our folks their interview with Richard “RJ” Eskow, which can be found on YouTube. If their thrill in democracy proves contagious, they have a movement on their hands.